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Sikh Missionary Society U.K. (Regd)
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Southall, Middx, U.K. UB2 5AA
Tel: +44 020 8574
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Reg Charity No: 262404
Attainments by doing the Naam-Jaap are the same for everyone, but there
are individual variations and experiences. These are modified mostly by
the faith (belief) one has in one or the other thing. It is not considered
of a great merit to work to attain unusual powers intentionally. Depending
on what you deserve, some of these will come automatically, but the adepts
advise to refrain from displaying them. These can cause ego which is detrimental
to the God realization.
The greatest miracle achieved is that the practitioner of the Naam
attains peace, and becomes socially
oriented and ethical with love for the human beings, God, Guru, and
Gurbani. He submits to the will of God and attains the peace of mind.
One should go into total contentment if one achieves mental peace, and attains surrender to God. No one should get disappointed that one did not meet God (see Him) even in spite of one�s intense Naam-Jaap. Seeing or meeting God is -
The following are some supernatural attainments that we generally consider as the usual attainments by the Jaap of the Naam - recitation of the Name of God. In fact, a true seeker, does not care for such powers, and does not work to acquire them.
The greatest miracle achieved is that the practitioner of the Naam attains peace, and becomes socially oriented and ethical with love for the human beings, God, Guru, and Gurbani. He submits to the will of God and attains the peace of mind.
One should go into total contentment if one achieves mental peace, and attains surrender to God. No one should get disappointed that one did not meet God (see Him) even in spite of one�s intense Naam-Jaap. Seeing or meeting God is -
The following are some supernatural attainments that we generally consider as the usual attainments by the Jaap of the Naam - recitation of the Name of God. In fact, a true seeker, does not care for such powers, and does not work to acquire them.
It is attainment, success, progress, and affluence. Literally, Ridhi also means cooked-food. The practitioner of the Naam becomes widely known (influential), and the people start bringing him or her all sorts of foods, eatables, gifts, and other commodities - one of his attainments.Sidhi
Occult, i.e. supernatural powers. One can be present at more than one places at one and the same time, can make prophesies, become invisible, get power to fly, can make things happen, bless (and curse) others, produce things from nowhere, bring back life to the dead, and solve problems of the others. His or her Hamzad (astral-self) can separate from the gross body and visit places etc. Such powers come naturally as well.Sidhis are 18. (Shabdarath, S,G,P.C., 1986, Page 10).Power to change his body with another on verge of the other�s death, can develop. Some may get the power to die at will, and even of automatic self-immolation of his or her dead body. The practitioner does not usually long or work for them. He is not supposed to display his or her prowess. Moreover, these are considered to be of no great merit, are interference in the Lord�s plans, and are a hindrance in the God realization. These do not lead to emancipation -
Ridh-e sidh-e sabhu mohu haae Naamu naa vassaae
Manne aa-ae
Supernatural powers are attachments,
These do not permit the Naam to get set in the mind.
Major Sidhis
These are eight -
Anima - ability to become very small, minute.Minor Sidhis
Mahema - to become big, gain colossal size.
Garima - to become heavy, gain an excessive weight.
Laghima - to become light, subtle.
Praptee - to get success, achieve goals, and get fulfilled.
Prakamya - to read the minds of other people.
Eeshita (Isatva) - lordliness, and power to persuade others.
Vashita (Vasitva) - to control other�s mind. Self control - control over all senses.
Door-Darshan - to see all, clairvoyance.Nau-Nidhi
Door-Sarvan - to hear all, clairaudience.
Par-Kaya Parvesh - ability to enter other�s body. To rejuvenate, he may discard his own old body and enter that of a (dying) young person.
Annuram - freedom from hunger and thirst.
Kaamroop - adopt desired form, ability to change the form to that of another person.
Savichhatt-Mirtu - to die at will, to die the way one wants to.
Sankalap Sidhi - to get desires fulfilled, to have all that one wants.
Apprittehatt-Gatee - ability to go anywhere without any hindrance or obstruction.
Mano-Veg - to go anywhere at the speed of thought.
Sur-Kareer.a - to have enjoyment along with gods, to join them in enjoyments (merry making).
Padam-Nidhi - attainment of sons, grand sons, gold, silver, i.e. the precious metals.Nidhis give property, products of land and sea, servants, health, wisdom, animals and conveyance etc. An adept gets accepted, respected, and honored by everyone. The people start giving him each and every thingimaginable.
Mahan-Padam - one gets diamonds, rubies and other gems and jewels (precious stones).
Kharab - riches of all kinds.
Kund - trading in gold.
Nil - trading in precious stones, jewels, and gems.
Sankh - delicious eatables (Procuring from nowhere).
Kachhap - clothes and food-grains in abundance, no shortage.
Mukund - mastery in arts, music, and poetry.
Makar - gives the art of using weapons and sovereignty on others.
Wisdom. He becomes a Brahm-Giani: one with the knowledge about
God - a realized person. This confirms the practitioner into -
Bharosa - faith. A deep faith and dependence on God. A firm faith in Waheguru (God) is the first and the foremost experience of the practitioner of the Naam-Jaap. He becomes a firm believer that God is one and there is none other like Him, He is the Creator, Doer, everywhere, Omnipotent and every thingis under His will.2. Mukti or Moksh
Leenta - an absolute attachment (absorption) to God.
Santokh - contentment (on destiny).
Detachment - from the dear ones and the worldly possessions.
Hukam - acceptance of the will of God. It is total surrender to Him.
Sehj - equilibrium, equipoise.
Anand - perpetual delight, permanent joy.
Vismaad - ecstasy: Joy plus wonderment, forgetting the self.
Nadar - benevolence of God. He believes in the mercy of God as an instrument of his attainments, and that his own efforts mean nothing. This attitude keeps him free from ego. His efforts are needed to make him fit for the mercy of God.
3. Char-Padarath - Four boons
These are - Dharam, Arath, Kaam, and Moksh. These four are the usual
goals of life for everyone - an ethical discipline of life, assets to fulfill
the needs, marriage and children, and in the end liberation.
Dharam - discipline. Understanding of his or her duties i.e. virtues (ethics).4. Traaekaal-Drishti, Vaak-Sidhi -
Arath - assets. He or she has no dearth of money - precious metals, pearls, and stones. Gets all the wealth.
Kaam - desires. His or her all desires get fulfilled and it covers marriage and children.
Moksh - redemption (liberation). He or she attains emancipation.
Traaekaal Drishti - Triple-Vision (three-dimensional), all knowing. He can see (know) all that happened in the past, is going on now, and will come tomorrow (omniscient). The powers of intuition and prophecy develop, he will know things before these happen, can make predictions and foretell his own end.5. Samm-Drishti, Turi-aa-Avastha
These experiences should be taken as indicators of progress. Boasting about them creates an ego, which hinders further advancement of the practitioner. Commonly, the people think that these should be kept secret. Of course, one should share these only with the right persons. Such things motivate others to do the Naam-Jaap. The Guru advises to recite His name and to attach others to do so.
Vaak-Sidhi - Whatever he or she says, comes to pass (happens). It is generally advised that anyone practicing the Naam, should never let anything unwanted escape from his or her mouth.
Samm-Drishti - No discrimination. Everyone is one and the same to him. He perceives God in every thingand everyone.6. Deh Abhav
Turiyaa Avastha - Chautha-Padd (Fourth Dimension) - Going higher to the three states of Maya (mundane, the worldly things) i.e. ego, evil and virtue. The world is a play of these three dimensions. Turiaa Avastha means the Fourth State i.e. detachment from these three characteristics of the world, and transcending them (Transcendental Meditation).
2. Composing Poems
Poems of the love of God. One has to be careful not to mix-up
his poems and mess up Gurbani that is already committed to his memory.
One should not try to be smart enough to coin and concoct quotations at
the spot, and pass them on as Gurbani. In his light sleep, he may
recite Gurbani, or his own Gurbani-like (mimicking Gurbani) compositions,
or both may get mixed up. Its cure is to correctly remember (commit
to memory) Gurbani.
3. Visions
Visions and dreams. The dreams of the Gurus, spiritual entities
and the saints, during sleep, and their visions during the Jaap, may occur.
In these, he or she may talk to them and they may even give him or her
some advice or guidance. All the time he or she may feel the company
of the Gurus. The light may manifest and the Guru emerges out of
4. Personality Changes
Changes in the inner, and outer personality take place.
Inner Personality.
The practitioner starts evolving and changing. Virtues develop and vices are eliminated. He or she becomes compassionate and sensitive. In deep faith and love of God on beholding His creation, boons and blessings, he or she may become ecstatic, sing and dance, may go into the mood of silence and self-absorption, or may easily become emotional, have welled up eyes and even cry -Outer Personality.rMig hsih rMig rovih cup BI kir jwih ]Noble living based on Satsangat, Naam-Jaap and recitation of Gurbani leads to the spiritual experiences that may vary from person to person.
prvwh nwhI iksY kyrI bwJu scy nwh ]
rMig hsih rMig rovih cup BI kir jwih ]
prvwh nwhI iksY kyrI bwJu scy nwh ]
Ran:ge hass-he ran:ge rovhe chupp bhee kar-e jaahe
Parvaah naahee kissaae keree baajhu Saachae Naah |
In his mood he laughs, and cries, or adopts silence.
He bothers for nothing except for the true Name.
He becomes simple, humble, quiet (talks less), sweet spoken and absorbed in his own God-oriented thoughts.5. Mental State. Mood and Attitude
6. Indrian� - Control on Indrian (Senses)
Indrian� means senses. Due to control on these, he or she develops
the peace of mind, contentment, equipoise, equality (non-discrimination),
justice, forgiveness, tolerance, truthfulness, humility, sincerity etc.
Feeling of the Grace of God enveloping his body, may come on him. It gives
peace and joy.
7. Exceptional Experiences
A practitioner of the Naam may have other individual experiences -
Amrit-Dhaara - A trickle of Amrit, also, known as Amrit-Rass, Amrit or Rass. Its source is Tenth-Door (Dasam-Dwar) located at the top of head, under the site of the soft palate in children, or of tuft in Hindus, and is claimed to be the seat of God in the body. From there, it trickles on to the palate, tongue, and produces a sweet taste.
Anhad - This is the celestial sound. It means a sound arising on its own, without striking of anything. Practitioners of the Name claim to hear it while meditating. For a Gur-Sikh - one who follows the Guru, Anhad (Anhad-Shabad, Anhat, Anahat, Anhad-Nad, Nad etc.) is deep concentration on the mental or vocal recitation of the Naam, or recitation and listening to Gurbani or Kirtan with an absolute absorption.The word �Anhad� comes in Gurbani very frequently. Sant Randhir Singh gives full assurance about it. Sant Iqbal Singh and other saints also confirm it. Gurbani has lot of quotations on this topic. For a usual seeker, it may not be quite easy to make a conclusion about it.
Anhad is also, the continuous Celestial-Sound in the universe and is represented by O-an� EN commonly called Om (Aum), and it denotes Waheguru - God. You may say out O-an� vocally or mentally, in a very long drawn way and enjoy it. Hindu saints practice Aum this way and for some, it is represented by the sound of a conch.
We are not concerned with hearing different sounds during the Naam-Jaap. If someone hears any, that's fine and these may be used to further help concentration. If you believe in Anhad, then you will very likely hear it. The sound may be like that of wind instruments, string-instruments, drum like, bell like, or Naad (Space - from the empty pot. Sound from the sea).
Anhad (Naad) is heard at the early stages of practicing the Naam-Jaap. Some concentrate on inhalation, exhalation, and try to hear subtle sound of breathing. In Anhad itself, there is nothing great. Prime thing is the name of God - �Waheguru.� To get lost into the Naam is Anhad -
nwmu lYq Anhd pUry nwd ]Merging with the Creation - During Naam-Jaap, he or she may feel merged, or expand and then merge with the Brahmand (creation, universe). If focusing on Ik-Oankar < or Waheguru vwihgurU, these may start getting brighter, enlarge and spread to take the practitioner and whole of the creation into them. Real merging is to become one with the Almighty -
nwmu lYq Anhd pUry nwd ]
Naamu laaet. anhad. poorae naad.
Recitation of the Name of God is the Anhad (celestial sound).
ijau jl mih jlu Awie Ktwnw ]Every Hair doing the Naam-Jaap - While doing Naam-Jaap, the practitioner may experience every hair of his body doing the Jaap -
iqau joqI sMig joiq smwnw ]
ijau jl mih jlu Awie Ktwnw ]
iqau joqI sMig joiq smwnw ]
Jeou jall mahe jallu aa-ae khatana
Teou jot.ee sange jot.e smaanaa
Like water mixing with water,
One should merge with the Lord.
gurmuiK roim roim hir iDAwvY ]Spiritual Awareness - One who practices the Naam, may get enlightened with the knowledge of God and His creation.
gurmuiK roim roim hir iDAwvY ]
Gurmukhe rom-e rom-e Har-e dheaavaae
Every hair of the adept recites the Name of God.
Vibrations - Fine, fast vibrations (Like high frequency electric currents) may start at the low back (sacral area), and spread all over his or her body in a centrifugal pattern (From within outwards). The adepts (Sidhas), attribute it to the awakening of the Kundalini (According to the Yogis, this is an energy center. It is at the level of the lower tip of the spine) - perineum. These vibrations (fine tremors) may appear at the tip of the toes and go up to the level of the lower back.
Sprinklings of the Saffron water - Saffron is a delicate flower of reddish yellow color. It gives out color when put into water. Sprinkling this water on someone or something is considered auspicious. The saffron water may get sprinkled from nowhere on and around the place where the Sadhak (practitioner) stays and practices Naam.
Kirtan - The practitioner may experiences (hearing from nowhere) the sounds like recitation of Gurbani, singing of Waheguru, Satte-Namu, Ik-Oankar, or of Shabad-Kirtan (devotional music).
Scent (Fragrance) - The Sadhak (practitioner) may smell the subtle scent without this being physically there.
Lights - glow or flashes are seen mentally with closed eyes, or in the room or outside with eyes open. These are not from some eye disease (e.g. a pull on retina), or due to some problem of the brain or mind.
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