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The Sikh Bangle (Kara)
The Sikh Bangle

Sikh Missionary Society: Publications: The Sikh Bangle: Contents:

The Mandala in the Realm of Religion

The Mandala in the Realm of Religion

Specialists in comparative religion, psychology, literature, art and anthropology confirm that the mandala symbol has been very persistent in the history of religion. In ancient China, for instance the symbol represented one supreme power, the Great Architect of the universe. The celestial world and heaven were represented by the Egyptians and by the Maya by round symbols.

In Rome, the Romans used domes as a symbol of imperial power and divinity. In the church of Holy Wisdom (Hagia Sophia) in Constantinpole, the dome symbolises the Glory of God (Encyclopedia Britannica). If you study the symbol of the Christian (Cross) it has appeared in various forms and psychologists regard it as a for of Mandala. In Islam, domes and arches exhibit the symbolism of Mandala. Hindu religion is full of Mandala, e.g. Swastika is a form of Mandala. The snake around Shiva's neck is also symbolic of a Mandala.

From the study of various religions and their symbolism one is thoroughly convinced about the spiritual significance of the ring. Naturally, any religion in the absence of divinity cannot claim to be perfect. Thus, the bangle constantly reminds the wearer of the Supreme Divine Power. Hence Guru Gobind Singh, the bestower of the bangle, has exalted the Sikhs by giving them this marvellous symbol which humanity as a whole may aspire to wear.

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