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The Sikh Symbols
The Guru's injunctions
on the Sikh Form
"As I see the Guru my turban is much exalted" (Guru Ram Das)
"Only with the turban on, is the human appearance complete" (Guru Arjan)
"The Sikh who cuts his hair, is a cheat; Such a cheat would never gain
my blessing." (Sau Sakhi)
"Comb your hair twice, both in the morning and evening; Wear your turban
in a smooth and straight style." (Khalsa Rahit Nama)
"Send away that hypocrite who wants To have Amrit without uncut hair For
initiation, nothing is more important Than the hair and the form. Honour
will come to my Sikh; Who abides by form and hair." (Suraj Parkash)
"He who lives up to the Sikh form; Is really my Sikh. He is my master and
I am his follower." (Guru Gobind Singh)
"As long as Khalsa remains distinctive; I shall bestow glory on it." (Guru
Gobind Singh)
"The Khalsa is my own image; And I shall always manifest myself in the
Khalsa. The Khalsa is my body and soul; The Khalsa is the life of my life,
The Khalsa is my perfect Lord; The Khalsa is my brave friend. I say nothing
untrue and to this; Guru Nanak, united with God, is my witness." (Guru
Gobind Singh)
"He is of the Khalsa, who is absorbed in God's name. He is of the Khalsa,
who is devoted to the Guru. He is of the Khalsa, who speaks evil of no
one. He is of the Khalsa, who conquers evil passions. He is of the Khalsa,
who stands by the oppressed. He is of the Khalsa, who does not covet another's
wife or wealth. He is of the Khalsa, who rides a fiery steed. He is of
the Khalsa, who fights in the vanguard He is of the Khalsa, who is hard
as steel. He is of the Khalsa, who destroys the evil doer. He is of the
Khalsa, who keeps his shape complete. He is of the Khalsa, who dies for
his faith." (Sikh Rahit Nama)
Letter of Guru Gobind Singh ~ written in June 1699 A.D. to The Sikhs of
Kabul (Afghanistan).
Through the grace of one immortal true Lord;
To the entire Sangat of Kabul ;.
The Guru will be your support for ever. I am much pleased with you all.
You must take baptism of the sword from five; keep your hair uncut -- this
is the seal of the Guru. Never be complacent about the pair of shorts and
the sword. Always wear on your wrist a steel bracelet, keep your hair neat
and clean and comb it twice a day. You are never to take meat prepared
from animals killed by being bled slowly. Never use tobacco. Never have
any connection whatsoever with those who kill baby daughters or celebrate
the cutting of children's hair. Do not ever sit in the company of secretive
and corrupt priests. Always read and recite the hymns of the Guru. Meditate
on the Name of the wonderful Lord - God alone. Keep the symbols of the
faith as the Guru has told you. The entire Sangat has my blessing.
Jeth 26, Sammat 1756 Bikrami.
The original Punjabi manuscript can be seen in the: S.G.P.C. Library,
Amritsar (Punjab, India).
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