
I am pleased to inform you that work on the construction of the new hall is now complete. Due to the Covid-19 restrictions it was quite a difficult task but with the blessings of Guru ji ‘ਜਿਸ ਕਾ ਕਾਰਿੁ. ਜਿੰਨ ਹੀ ਕੀਆ ਮਾਣਸੁ ਜਕਆ ਵੇਚਾਰਾ ਰਾਮ’, all the work has now been satisfactorily completed.
For longevity, some changes were made in the original plan and also due to some extra work the final cost increased by forty thousand pounds. More details about the costs is given in the enclosed General Secretary report. To fund the construction cost we have borrowed eighty five thousand pounds from committee and Society members two years interest free loan. To get the completion certificate we have to install the lift which will cost approx. Twenty thousand pounds. This was not included in the original estimate.There are 1450 members of the society. If every member donate, at least 100 pounds there won't be any need to get the loan from the bank. If there are any further Covid-19 restrictions or lock down we will have to borrow money from the bank to fund the cost and to repay the loan already borrowed. Therefore, our humble request to you is to donate generously.
Please contribute and request others for their seva in order to complete this project.
You may donate to the Sikh Missionary Society
by a cheque payable to 'The Sikh Missionary Society' to the following address:
The Sikh Missionary Society,
10 Featherstone Road,
Southall, Middlesex
England, UK
You May also Print out a donation form which is available online, the draft is to be sent to your bank.

You May also do a direct bank transfer to our bank account of which details are on the Donation Form.
Hoping for your full co-operation.
Guru's Servant
Hon. General Secretary
The Sikh Missionary Society UK: Planning Ahead
- Conference hall facility for next generation Sikhi Education and Seminars
The Sikh Missionary Society UK was established In 1969, when the global Sikh community was celebrating the 500th year of Guru Nanak Sahib’s parkaash. Concerned about the need to educate their children about lSikh religion and culture, some first generation Gursikh teachers from India felt the need for simple literature about the lives of the Gurus in English. The first such booklet was “Guru Nanak (for children)”.
Half a century later, in 2020, the Society’s advisories range from traditional religious and interfaith topics to challenges to Sikh identity in the West, environmental, bioethical and social issues arising from advances in science and modern living. The range of topics which require a Sikh view is vast while we face challenges to Sikh ideology, central institutions and identity. The open Hindutva agenda is an increasing threat to the independence of Sikhi.
The dedication of the humble sewadars of the Society from 1969 to-date has been exemplary. Those who attended the early Gurmat Camps decades ago, have fond memories. They remember nishkam and dedicated sevadars of the Society. Some like late Sardars Gurbachan Singh Sidhu, Kirpal Singh Rai, Gurinder Singh Sacha, Sarup Singh Gulliani and others are no longer with us but their memories remain to motivate others.
Scholar sewadars have written books and articles, distributed free literature and run Gurmat Camps for children. In addition to catering for the religious education needs of children of all age groups, the Society has a well-stocked Sikh Resource Centre with literature for mature students of Sikh religion. The community experience is that Sikh children educated in the basics of Sikhi-living and values grow up to excel in many professions.
The need for further missionary work to cater for the needs of different age groups through more advanced literature, talks and seminars has increased. Over the last few decades, the Society has been adopting to the changing needs of the growing Sikh community. Requests from children of all ages, young Sikhs, university students of religion, educationists and even the press seeking Sikh view on different topics is very diverse. It is possible to get some idea of the topics covered from briefings provided by the Society over the last two decades under article on Sikh Ideology and Identity.
In additions to written advisories as requested, one of the most successful areas has been seminars which discuss the independence of Sikhi as a miri-piri way of life. Such discussions need physical attendance by Sikh scholars and discussion groups. That means a hall with modern seminar facilities which is now being built.
No community or organisation can survive without succession planning to prepare informed leaders of tomorrow. Experience of recent years shows that a purpose-built hall with equipment for conducting seminars and presentations is a compelling need of the Society. Quite advisedly, construction work on the hall was started during Covid related interruption to routine educational classes and seminars.
It is hoped that the hall will be completed with the support of the UK Sangats to ensure continuity of the Society’s missionary work.